Day: March 22, 2017

Salt SpraySalt Spray

   An eastern wind blew against my face as I walked on the beach today.  My glasses quickly covered with salt spray and I couldn’t see the markers that usually determine the length of my walk.  I was cold and huddled inside my jacket, trying to draw breath against the wind.  And all the time I knew when I turned around and retraced my steps, that same wind would propel me home.  What was once an adversary would become my propeller, making the walk easier and swifter.  Thank you, God, for showing me that even in adversity I can take comfort in your presence. On the other side of every painful event there is the joy of your presence.  May the crises of my life give me an opportunity to grown in faith and spirit.  May I pass through hard times and emerge more swift and refreshed in my walk with you. Amen.

Crushed ShellsCrushed Shells

During this afternoon’s beach walk, I noticed footprints that attempted to crush each intact shell in their path.  Remnants of shattered shells lay in the pattern this person had left behind.  I wondered by someone would knowingly crush the whole shells, but then realized sometimes I do the same thing.  I see people’s success or happiness and try to undercut it in my jealousy, resenting their achievements over mine.  Why should they succeed, I wonder, when I have failed?  Help me, Heavenly Father, to remember through Christ we are all one body.  The success of my brothers or sisters is my success too; their share in my joy is equal.  May I walk with you, Lord, careful not to crush the achievements and the happiness of others.  May I tread alertly and lovingly all my days. Amen.