Uncategorized Are You Seeking Truth?

Are You Seeking Truth?

St. George Island United Methodist Church Blog 9-1-19
How do you live your life? To what standard do you live your life? Why, Whom, and What do you seek? Nicodemus, a highly educated man and a leader of the Jews, sought after Jesus by night with flattering words after hearing Jesus teach and perform miracles. Nicodemus knew there was something different about Jesus. He knew Jesus came from God, but he and others were battling in their heads and hearts; “Who is this Jesus?” “Where did He come from?” Nicodemus wanted to know the truth! This Sunday we will look deeper into the conversation of Jesus and Nicodemus. St. George Island United Methodist Church is open to everyone! We look forward to worshiping with you!
Hi! I am Dee Allen. My husband, Rod, and I are associate members of SGIUMC; a family church that is near and dear to our heart. I am thankful for the opportunity to share God’s Word this Sunday, September 1st. I am studying to become a Certified Lay Minister in the United Methodist Church. One of the requirements for me to become certified is to give a sermon of the committee’s choice. So, I will be teaching this Sunday on the text of John 3:1-18
I would like to say a special “Thank You” to Pastor Brian for being an encouraging and supportive mentor to me on my journey to serve our Lord.

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The Joy Continues,

Pastor Brian

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