2022-08-04 14:39:56

2022-08-04 14:39:56

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Across the BayAcross the Bay

  The fog has lifted.  At night I can see across to the mainland, where house lights, buoys, and headlights shine.  It seems so busy and energized over there across the bay’s water, but there must be those who sit at home tonight alone, looking into the darkness.  Inside their windows they may live in need—need of food and money, of self-worth, need of God’s presence.  Perhaps they are hungry or abused; perhaps they look out of eyes that are tear-filled.  It is too easy for me to look into windows as if they were mirrors, seeing only myself reflected back, seeing no one else. I pray for these people too, for all those who have no understanding of your love or your presence.  Be with them, I pray, and grant them your peace.  May I use the bounty you have given me for their good and your glory. Amen.


A neighbor stopped by this morning with the sad news that there was a drowning yesterday on the island.  High winds and rip tides made the gulf water dangerous.  Apparently one person was in trouble, and another went out to assist but he was pulled into the waves and vanished.  How terribly sad!  What was obviously intended as a wonderful day of laughter and fun, of a picnic lunch and swimming turned into a day of tragedy and loss.  In the midst of life we are in death—suddenly the hours are robbed of their joy, only grief and sadness left in their wake.  We live in a broken world, a world where our human frailty Is most evident.  I think of this family whose lives will change because of this day; I think too of God who grieves with them, whose love for the lost individual exceeds their own.  My prayer, Lord, is for peace, comfort and strength in the days ahead.  May those who mourn feel your presence; may they, even in the midst of their loss, find reasons to celebrate a life filled with joyful times.  Only you, dear Lord, can bring them your peace and courage for the hours to come. Amen.


A New ScentA New Scent

The oleanders are fully in bloom!  My yard is scented with a honey-like aroma that stuns me with its warm headiness.  I inhale deeply, unable to breathe in enough of the scent, as attracted as a bee to the sweet fragrance.  Lovely as the masses of white, pink, and fuchsia colors may be, it is the scent, which most attracts me.  When I lived in Michigan, spring meant lily of the valley, lilacs, and hyacinth.  I feared I’d have to sacrifice those fragrances, but now I see that I have been given a different but no less lovely scent to enjoy.  And so God works in my life.  I surrender sources of happiness, committing them to my memory bank, but receive others unexpectedly.  Oleander was an unknown plant; its sweet perfume something I could never have anticipated.  Thank you, Lord, for continuing to bless me in ways I could never anticipate, allowing me to hold unto the best of the past, and showering me with fresh gifts each new day. Amen.