2022-12-02 10:02:28
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Bill Nye and the Goodness of ChildrenBill Nye and the Goodness of Children
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed ultrices ipsum non mattis pharetra. Integer laoreet non felis sit amet pharetra. Integer mollis eget felis non finibus. Nullam nibh mauris, fermentum vitae felis vehicula, aliquam bibendum sapien. In euismod velit vitae neque rhoncus congue. Aliquam luctus, sapien in consectetur cursus, quam urna euismod magna, sed pellentesque massa libero eu lorem. Aenean rhoncus gravida nisl vel pretium. Nam ac nisl non ipsum vestibulum vehicula vulputate sagittis magna. Aenean est nisl, convallis volutpat tempor ac, tempus ac ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce rhoncus sodales tempor. Nunc pretium tortor felis, eget cursus magna accumsan a.
Etiam eu molestie eros, commodo hendrerit sapien. Maecenas tempus leo ac nisi iaculis porta. Sed sapien tortor, aliquet a velit ut, lacinia molestie velit. Maecenas ornare consequat massa ullamcorper dapibus. Aliquam auctor, sapien sit amet accumsan facilisis, enim enim aliquet arcu, tincidunt pellentesque justo turpis id neque. Duis eleifend nunc sit amet mi dapibus ornare. Suspendisse vel libero sem.
Sed nec blandit nibh. Pellentesque commodo suscipit gravida. Sed sit amet ex sed mi dignissim elementum in ut quam. Vivamus laoreet non mauris eget mattis. Nam turpis orci, consectetur vel accumsan sed, condimentum at sapien. Nunc ut egestas neque, eu hendrerit lacus. Suspendisse fermentum congue dui nec fringilla. Duis volutpat nunc lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse egestas venenatis nunc. Donec at laoreet lacus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam quam elit, mollis at odio gravida, ultrices pulvinar justo. Vivamus eleifend mollis dolor, et ornare turpis vehicula in. Pellentesque auctor ac enim sit amet euismod. Ut eu accumsan nunc. Nam ultrices, orci a volutpat molestie, ipsum magna posuere ex, vel lobortis dolor purus tristique purus. Integer arcu libero, feugiat non eros vel, aliquet sodales justo. Aliquam lobortis efficitur velit, vel tempor dui iaculis non. Mauris non ullamcorper leo. Nulla consectetur arcu eget condimentum auctor. Aliquam sagittis dictum augue. Duis fringilla nec augue eu laoreet.
Tom Loughridge Delighted Audiences with His Direction of The Time of Your LifeTom Loughridge Delighted Audiences with His Direction of The Time of Your Life
Our own Tom Loughridge directed The Panhandle Players of the Forgotten Coast in the classic Pulitzer Prize winning drama The Time of Your Life, by William Saroyan, at the historic Chapman Auditorium in Apalachicola, at Hwy 98 and 12th Street on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 10 and 11 at 7:30 pm, and Sunday, Feb. 12 at 3:00 pm.
An article in the Apalachicola Times offered a perfect description for the play:
Set in a run down, Depression-era waterfront cabaret, namely the “Pacific Street Saloon, Restaurant, and Entertainment Palace,” the action offers juke box music, dancing, and a piano player tickling the ivories for the down-and-out denizens, working stiffs, and slumming upper-crust of San Francisco who come through its doors to find hope, love and second chances along with their beer, wine, and double Scotches. They each have a tale to tell. They each are uplifted by, and find solace in one another. The play’s theme is best expressed by William Saroyan himself, “In the time of your life, live—so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it.”
Tom wanted to direct The Time of Your Life for a very long time. At Ohio’s Denison Summer Theatre in 1949, Tom saw The Time of Your Life staged in a tent theater where “June bugs flew in front of the lights and crickets could be heard outside.” At age 15, it was his first experience seeing a stage play and he was hooked. Twenty-six years later, he appeared as the Kit Carson character in The Colorado West Players production of the play.
And now, in 2017, with the assistance of Liz Sisung, he gathered an ensemble cast from Franklin and Gulf Counties to play 23 idiosyncratic characters in this Panhandle Players production.
The production was met with a very positive response. Tom’s hard work and determination paid off as audiences and critics alike were delighted at each performance of The Time of Your Life. We can’t wait to see what Tom has in store for us next!
VBS Prayer CalendarVBS Prayer Calendar
A Lot goes into making VBS a success! Teachers, worship team, volunteers, and all the kids who attend are what makes this great! Most importantly we are introducing Jesus to the next generation. Please pray for all those involved. Here is the prayer calendar of all things we’d like you to pray with us about as VBS approaches.