2023-06-02 11:46:23

2023-06-02 11:46:23

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I received a letter from an old friend today.  Her health is not good, and I worry about her future.  I don’t want things to change!  Living on an island I have grown accustomed to change, difficult as that may be.  The beach itself varies from day to day, widening and narrowing the places I walk, removing vegetation or depositing new seedlings.  And yet I want to hold unto the known and the familiar, reluctant to release what I have come to love.  O Lord, please help me see that change is the essence of our earthly lives.  I need to appreciate with more open awareness the beauty of the moment so I can recall its absence with love and happiness.  Forgive me for holding too fiercely to the past, blinding myself to the future joys prepared for me by you.  I pray that you would open my clenched fists—may they be hands stretched wide to embrace each moment of my life—hands open to reach out for your hand. Amen.

Don’t Touch!Don’t Touch!

Today, early in the morning, I approached an unfamiliar object on the beach, just above the water line. Its label warned that it was dangerous, phosphorous-filled, and should not be touched. The finder was asked to notify the police or military. The discovery saddened me. In the midst of so much serene beauty, under skies still washed with dawning light, I had stumbled upon something that hinted of death and destruction, something unconnected with the morning’s beauty. I remembered the passage from Philippians where we are told to think of what is pure and lovely. I tried to fix my thoughts on the right, the pure, the admirable, the excellent, and the praiseworthy. As I reported the object to the park ranger, my duty was complete. But now I need your help, Lord to find a way to live in this world with its unpleasant realities and still reach for you and your perfection of goodness and beauty. Help me find beauty even in the midst of ugliness. May I put aside this ugly object and try to be an agent of peace and beauty in a troubled, violent world. Amen.

A New ChapterA New Chapter

After 4 wonderful years at St. George Island UMC, Pastor Brian Brightly will be retiring for the second time. Pastor Brian has been a blessing to SGI and has been the push of many successful missions that have been achieved in our community.

  1. A new after school state funded program in Eastpoint with 100 children
  2. A new family ministry at Hope Park on 159 Bear Creek Rd
  3. An expanded faith based prison ministry working with churches and over 40 volunteers
  4. A reading program for 3rd graders in Franklin Schools
  5. Continuing thrift stores in both SGIUMC and Eastpoint
  6.  A new scout initiative in Eastpoint, Carrabelle, and Apalachicola; registered as Pack #22 with 35 adults and youth.

His participation and dedication to Franklin County will be missed! Rev. Bob Tindale will be the interim pastor for SGIUMC from July to the time the church is able to select a permanent pastor. Rev. Tindale will be a great asset to SGIUMC and is very familiar with the people of Franklin County. We are excited for the change and warmly welcome him to the family.