2023-12-26 11:16:19
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God is Everywhere!God is Everywhere!
Chicory or cornflower is blooming on the island, lining the road near the park. Whenever I see the sky-blue blossoms, I am suddenly swept back into my childhood. One summer I had to cross a busy street to reach vacation Bible school. As a group of us waited for traffic to clear, I stared at the chicory awash with color in a nearby vacant lot, mirroring the blue of the sky. Each morning in school we sang, “God is in the flowers and the birds that sing—God is everywhere!” My attention was captured by God’s presence in the chicory, as if I could watch him at work in the flower. Perhaps then I could see him at work in my childhood innocence; perhaps I still can. I pray, God, you will give us both a world that is beautiful and eyes to appreciate that beauty. I thank you, Lord, for being in those chicory blossoms and for welcoming me into your world here on earth and your world above in Heaven. Amen.
Bill Nye and the Goodness of ChildrenBill Nye and the Goodness of Children
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Etiam eu molestie eros, commodo hendrerit sapien. Maecenas tempus leo ac nisi iaculis porta. Sed sapien tortor, aliquet a velit ut, lacinia molestie velit. Maecenas ornare consequat massa ullamcorper dapibus. Aliquam auctor, sapien sit amet accumsan facilisis, enim enim aliquet arcu, tincidunt pellentesque justo turpis id neque. Duis eleifend nunc sit amet mi dapibus ornare. Suspendisse vel libero sem.
Sed nec blandit nibh. Pellentesque commodo suscipit gravida. Sed sit amet ex sed mi dignissim elementum in ut quam. Vivamus laoreet non mauris eget mattis. Nam turpis orci, consectetur vel accumsan sed, condimentum at sapien. Nunc ut egestas neque, eu hendrerit lacus. Suspendisse fermentum congue dui nec fringilla. Duis volutpat nunc lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse egestas venenatis nunc. Donec at laoreet lacus.
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Aliquam quam elit, mollis at odio gravida, ultrices pulvinar justo. Vivamus eleifend mollis dolor, et ornare turpis vehicula in. Pellentesque auctor ac enim sit amet euismod. Ut eu accumsan nunc. Nam ultrices, orci a volutpat molestie, ipsum magna posuere ex, vel lobortis dolor purus tristique purus. Integer arcu libero, feugiat non eros vel, aliquet sodales justo. Aliquam lobortis efficitur velit, vel tempor dui iaculis non. Mauris non ullamcorper leo. Nulla consectetur arcu eget condimentum auctor. Aliquam sagittis dictum augue. Duis fringilla nec augue eu laoreet.
One Little StarOne Little Star
One Little Star
By Marilyn McCann
Just one little star glimmers through the inky darkness of the
night sky, lifting the shadows from my spirit and making me
smile. Since I was a child, I have loved the velvet softness of
twilight and the shroud of darkness as it gently falls upon the
earth. So, this was no small gift to me. Often sick as a little
girl, I was required to go to bed very early and there was
held captive by the glorious even-song of robins, raised as
hymns of praise to our Creator. Then, as darkness fell and
my sister slept in the next bed, I would tiptoe to the bedroom
window to gaze with awe and a deep sense of yearning at
the moon and stars in all their glory. Then and now there is
peace that descends upon my heart like velvet to my soul as
the sun sets, the moon rises and the stars make their grand
entrance; all in praise of the great I AM. It is the time of day I
always feel immensely close to God, even though I KNOW
he is present in every sunrise of every day. But I see
sunrise as a promise and sunset, moon rise as the answer to
that promise. Because just as the moon reflects and gathers
its’ inner glow from the sun, so we too reflect life giving light
from God’s very own precious Son. Pure gift!
Yes, tonight one little star brought a smile to my lips and joy
and peace to my heart, as once again I experience the
awesome tenderness and generosity of God’s love for me
expressed in the magnificence of the night sky.
Sun, moon and stars, by their very being, invite us to join
them in their worship-full praise of our Creator, while at the
same time providing us glimpses of the wondrous Love of
our very own Father God.