2023-12-26 11:18:22
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Marilyn McCann Inspires with Poetry as Well as MusicMarilyn McCann Inspires with Poetry as Well as Music
Our Music Director, Marilyn McCann, also writes songs and poems of praise. This piece is one of her recent works she kindly shared with SGIUMC for our website.
Upon the Cross I gave you my life.
Upon the Cross I called you by name.
Upon the Cross my love for you displayed.
Live in peace.
Your sins are forgiven.
Forgiven by you, Lord. Yes, forgiven by you. I’m claiming my new life. My soul, Lord, forever with you. Filled with your Spirit my lips sing your praise, since now I am living forgiven by you.
At the foot of the Cross
I worship you.
At the foot of the Cross
Your blood claims my soul.
At the foot of the Cross
Faith and hope are renewed since,
I’m forgiven by you.
Forgiven by you, Lord. Yes, forgiven by you. I’m claiming my new
Life. My soul, Lord, forever with you. Filled with your Spirit my lips sing your praise, since now I am living forgiven by you. *
Another of Marilyn’s poems, “Resting in His Everlasting Arms” was published by the Apalachicola Times in November 2016. That wasn’t the first time she has been published locally. In honor of the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack, the Times published a poem Marilyn wrote soon after the tragedy, titled “Hallowed Ground.”
* COPYRIGHT Words / Music inspired by and dedicated to the
Holy Trinity by
Marilyn McCann
Longer DaysLonger Days
The days are growing longer now, as the sun continues to stay overhead later into the evening and waken earlier each morning. When I rise from bed, I can already see the blush of dawn and the sky is starting to lighten. I could consult the newspaper and identify the exact difference each day’s length will be, but I prefer to discover the additional light myself, through my own experience. The numbers may predict the hours of light, but it is God who causes the sun to shine, the moon to light the night, and the world to move at his ordering. I thank you, Lord, for the daylight hours of work and play and for the night of peace and rest. You have given us a world of order and stability whose regularity is a sign of your love, your creation, your power, and your glory. Amen.
Hoping For God’s Gift Living in the LightHoping For God’s Gift Living in the Light
You ever ride down route 65 at night (The Apalachicola Forest)? Ever drive in pouring rain at night? Meet a bear?
We are not by nature nocturnal! How many animals can you name that are nocturnal? I can list 28! More common in Florida owl, fox, opossum. raccoon, mole, skunk, armadillo, wolf-coyote.
What about Christians as a species? This group Pawl describes as people who can live in the light with God;s Grace! Come to worship this Advent as we worship the Lord lighting candles of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy. All are marks of God’s Kingdom prophesied through Isaiah and the prophets! Are you ready to live in the light of the Lord? What an opportunity!
Blessings and Grace be with you,
Pastor Brian