2024-01-13 10:14:02

2024-01-13 10:14:02

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Assurance and God’s Un-Crossed FingersAssurance and God’s Un-Crossed Fingers

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus sagittis semper tortor. Quisque non felis elementum augue ullamcorper laoreet. Nam porta leo ut felis suscipit, vel semper lectus vehicula. Nulla vitae porta leo. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Fusce bibendum arcu in lacinia condimentum. Aenean id nunc quis ex congue facilisis. Proin non tempus arcu. Donec dictum elementum ex et aliquet. Praesent at pulvinar augue, ut ultricies mauris. Nulla congue nulla in semper cursus. Sed auctor condimentum sem a tincidunt. Duis rhoncus maximus varius. Nullam imperdiet imperdiet massa vel lacinia. Nam auctor odio velit, at ultricies nisi dictum quis. Vestibulum tempus tellus nec leo malesuada, in tempus quam vehicula.

Sed nec blandit nibh. Pellentesque commodo suscipit gravida. Sed sit amet ex sed mi dignissim elementum in ut quam. Vivamus laoreet non mauris eget mattis. Nam turpis orci, consectetur vel accumsan sed, condimentum at sapien. Nunc ut egestas neque, eu hendrerit lacus. Suspendisse fermentum congue dui nec fringilla. Duis volutpat nunc lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Suspendisse egestas venenatis nunc. Donec at laoreet lacus.

Hoping For God’s Gift Living in the LightHoping For God’s Gift Living in the Light

You ever ride down route 65 at night (The Apalachicola Forest)? Ever drive in pouring rain at night? Meet a bear?

We are not by nature nocturnal! How many animals can you name that are nocturnal? I can list 28! More common in Florida owl, fox, opossum. raccoon, mole, skunk, armadillo, wolf-coyote.

What about Christians as a species? This group Pawl describes as people who can live in the light with God;s Grace! Come to worship this Advent as we worship the Lord lighting candles of Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy. All are marks of God’s Kingdom prophesied through Isaiah and the prophets! Are you ready to live in the light of the Lord? What an opportunity!

Blessings and Grace be with you,

Pastor Brian

A New ChapterA New Chapter

After 4 wonderful years at St. George Island UMC, Pastor Brian Brightly will be retiring for the second time. Pastor Brian has been a blessing to SGI and has been the push of many successful missions that have been achieved in our community.

  1. A new after school state funded program in Eastpoint with 100 children
  2. A new family ministry at Hope Park on 159 Bear Creek Rd
  3. An expanded faith based prison ministry working with churches and over 40 volunteers
  4. A reading program for 3rd graders in Franklin Schools
  5. Continuing thrift stores in both SGIUMC and Eastpoint
  6.  A new scout initiative in Eastpoint, Carrabelle, and Apalachicola; registered as Pack #22 with 35 adults and youth.

His participation and dedication to Franklin County will be missed! Rev. Bob Tindale will be the interim pastor for SGIUMC from July to the time the church is able to select a permanent pastor. Rev. Tindale will be a great asset to SGIUMC and is very familiar with the people of Franklin County. We are excited for the change and warmly welcome him to the family.