2024-01-13 10:15:56

2024-01-13 10:15:56

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Faith That Affects Our ChildrenFaith That Affects Our Children

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque fermentum massa vel enim feugiat gravida. Phasellus velit risus, euismod a lacus et, mattis condimentum augue. Vivamus fermentum ex quis imperdiet sodales. Sed aliquam nibh tellus, a rutrum turpis pellentesque ac. Nulla nibh libero, tincidunt cursus gravida ut, sodales ut magna. Sed sodales libero sapien, et rutrum mi placerat eget. Nulla vestibulum lacus vel eros eleifend molestie.

Sed rutrum, libero non pretium tristique, arcu mi sollicitudin ex, quis venenatis orci tellus vel dolor. Donec gravida, dolor ut auctor facilisis, enim dolor pellentesque lectus, nec vehicula nibh risus ac leo. Mauris volutpat aliquam tellus nec rhoncus. Aliquam et nibh pulvinar, sodales nibh et, pretium urna. Vivamus quam augue, maximus in consequat imperdiet, iaculis non nibh. Aliquam erat volutpat. Curabitur venenatis massa sed lacus tristique, non auctor nisl sodales. Sed ultricies lacus ut libero faucibus fringilla. Ut nisi tellus, posuere vel mattis nec, convallis a metus. Nullam elementum molestie felis nec lobortis. Cras at justo eu elit semper tempor sed quis orci. In risus magna, malesuada vel elementum ut, finibus et nunc.

Cras dapibus ullamcorper dictum. Vivamus nec erat placerat felis scelerisque porttitor in ac turpis. In nec imperdiet turpis. Suspendisse quis orci ut orci pulvinar eleifend. Nulla eu mattis ipsum. Integer eget sagittis nulla. Praesent consectetur lacus et maximus eleifend. Integer non lacus dui. Mauris tortor diam, laoreet quis commodo vitae, sodales vel augue.

1st Annual Scout Jamboree!!1st Annual Scout Jamboree!!

November 11th 2019 we will be holding our first ever Scout Jamboree! All the scouts that have signed up this year and kids that want to sign up are invited to this dinner and informative gathering. We will share badges, ideas, and information about the future of the scouts. Starts at 6:30 at the Eastpoint UMC Youth and Children Center on 317 Patton Drive in Eastpoint.

Cloudy WindowsCloudy Windows

  My windows are covered with salt spray, especially those that look on the ocean.  When I peer out, what I see is clouded and spotted, distorted by the deposits made in each tiny drop.  My life is sometimes like that.  I am distracted by tiny ‘things’ that leave their mark on my vision, distorting and marring the view.  Each drop is so minute, and yet the accumulated distortion affects all that I see.  Pettiness and resentment encrust my perspective, making me cross and depressed.  Seeds of selfishness cause small changes in my view until I see only what is blurred and misshapen.  How can I see your world clearly through windows that distort my vision and its clarity? I pray, O God, help me wash my spirit and scour away these distorting deposits.  May I look through eyes that are clear and loving; may I see others as you see them.  Please help me see through eyes washed with your water of love and forgiveness; help me see only as you see.