2024-02-22 11:32:36

2024-02-22 11:32:36

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At last! We are reopening for public worship this Sunday, July 19th. So many of us really long to be together and so we are truly excited. However, the safety of our congregation and everyone who attends is our first priority. We all need to be as safe as possible and adhere to the social distancing guidelines as well as our safety precautions we have established for our outside service.

The Myer’s have graciously agreed for us to use their restaurant for worship so we will be meeting at Doc’s at 9am.

The following is a list of precautions to follow if you plan on attending service with us:

  1. If you are feeling ill, please stay home and listen online via our Facebook page.
  2. Everyone’s temperatures will be taken when you enter the worship area. A sign in table will be at the entrance.
  3. Everyone will need to wear a mask. If you are not able to wear a mask you can sit in your car or golf cart and should be able to hear from parking lot. (Masks can be provided if you forgot to bring one)
  4. Hand sanitizer will be available as you check in and we encourage people to use it.
  5. You will be seated by family unit with proper distancing.

Let us come and praise the Lord together.  Let’s show our love for our community by being a witness to others that we are in this together to stop the spread of COVID-19, and that we will do what we can to aid in that. Hope to see you there!

In His Love,

Pastor Bob Tindale (850) 933-7955

A New ScentA New Scent

The oleanders are fully in bloom!  My yard is scented with a honey-like aroma that stuns me with its warm headiness.  I inhale deeply, unable to breathe in enough of the scent, as attracted as a bee to the sweet fragrance.  Lovely as the masses of white, pink, and fuchsia colors may be, it is the scent, which most attracts me.  When I lived in Michigan, spring meant lily of the valley, lilacs, and hyacinth.  I feared I’d have to sacrifice those fragrances, but now I see that I have been given a different but no less lovely scent to enjoy.  And so God works in my life.  I surrender sources of happiness, committing them to my memory bank, but receive others unexpectedly.  Oleander was an unknown plant; its sweet perfume something I could never have anticipated.  Thank you, Lord, for continuing to bless me in ways I could never anticipate, allowing me to hold unto the best of the past, and showering me with fresh gifts each new day. Amen.

Fourth of July!Fourth of July!

Fourth of July!  If ever there is a summer celebration, it is this day when patriotism, vacations, and perfect outdoor weather coincide.  I’ll do my walk early this morning to avoid crowded roads and beaches.  The air will be ripe with the scent of hamburgers and hot dogs grilling, steaks over hot coals, damp potato chips and coleslaw.  I’ll hear children squealing in the surf, throwing bits of bun to seagulls, shouting as they run up and down the beach.  Tonight there will be fireworks that split the darkness and shower sparks of living color.  So much to celebrate, so many reasons to be grateful.  We are a free country, a freedom dearly bought and purchased with the death and sacrifices of those who defended her.  In the same way, I am free from sin and the permanence of death, a freedom purchased by the blood and death of Jesus Christ.  What reason to celebrate!  Lord, I come to your Sacramental Table to remember your sacrifice and to honor the anniversary of this occasion.  Please help me never forget my reason to celebrate freedom and the price you paid.